Greywater Reuse & Green Gardening
How Green Is Your Garden?
With Greywater Systems, It’s Greener
Do you want to turn your brown thumbs green, but worry about using massive amounts of water?
Install an Aqua2use Greywater System and watch your plants thrive and your water bill drop.
Greywater Systems Help the Earth, Your Wallet and Your Home
Recently named one of the Top 10 Earth-friendly products on the market by Building Green, Water Wise Group’s Aqua2use Greywater Systems filter wastewater from washing machines, bathtubs and showers for garden irrigation. Homeowners who install Greywater Systems save up to 40,000 gallons of water per year, resulting in much lower water bills. Homeowners who have septic tanks instead of sewers appreciate that greywater systems prolong the lives of their tanks; in fact, many Water Wise Group customers purchase greywater systems for that very purpose.
No need to worry about maintaining another expensive piece of lawn equipment. The Aqua2use Greywater System is easy to maintain: simply clean the filter once every four to six months, and you’re on your way. It’s as simple as that. The Aqua2use Greywater System is a state-of-the-art, four-stage filtration unit that traps most impurities without getting clogged up. And when compared to other greywater systems on the market, it’s not only the most reliable solution, it’s the most cost-effective. Water Wise Group’s Aqua2use Greywater Systems are the clear choice when deciding which greywater system to install.
Greywater Systems: How They Work
The mechanics and science behind the Aqua2use Greywater System are quite simple. First, the wastewater from your shower, bathtub and washing machine is automatically sent to the greywater system. The filtration unit – an unobtrusive, small black box that is placed outside of your home – collects the greywater and filters it through a unique, progressive four-stage system, where lint and other impurities are filtered out.
Following filtration, the greywater – with some soap particles intact – leaves the unit and flows to the garden through drip irrigation hoses. The soap in the grey water nourishes the plants and keeps them thriving, even when water restrictions are in place, keeping your garden green and flourishing.
Keep in mind that even though the filtered greywater looks clear, it’s not potable and shouldn’t be consumed by humans or animals. In the unlikely event that your Aqua2use Greywater System needs a parts replacement or repair, you can relax knowing that it’s covered under warranty for 12 months. And when compared to other greywater systems available today, the Aqua2use unit is not only more economical, it’s the most reliable.
Greywater Systems: What You Need to Know
The average family of four could save up to 40,000 gallons of water per year by using an Aqua2use Greywater Filtration System. Every shower taken uses roughly 25 gallons of water – imagine how useful that water would be when your garden is turning brown because of drought-induced water restrictions! Start saving money, your yard, and water today!