Greywater and Septic Systems

Greywater Systems Work With Your Septic System® – The Septic Systems Information Website – Inspecting, Testing, Designing, & Maintaining Residential Septic Systems: Septic Systems Online: This website answers just about any question you might have about buying or owning a house with a septic system.

Greywater Filtration Systems: What is it?

Greywater is the water produced during daily household activities like bathing or washing clothes. A greywater system filters the water using a highly effective multi-stage filtration system to remove lint, hair and impurities. Instead of traveling through your septic system, the filtered grey water is diverted to flower beds and gardens, creating an efficient irrigation system.

Greywater Systems Ease the Burden on Your Septic System

If you have a septic system in your home, you may already be familiar with some of the problems which can occur. Things like backups and clogged drains can lead to septic system failure, and the hazards associated with a total system collapse can even be fatal. A greywater filtration system from Water Wise Group can relieve some of the strain placed on your septic system, while saving you up to 40,000 gallons of water per year in the process.

Greywater Systems Work with Existing Septic Systems to Avoid Replacing, Upgrading, or Additional Maintenance

Are you tired of costly septic system maintenance? Are you looking for ways to economize your household budget, better protect the environment and reduce septic system load? Our Aqua2use greywater systems are your answer. This is cutting-edge technology is designed to safely recycle water from inside the home, sourced from the washing machine, shower, or bath, for reuse outside the home, taking pressure off septic systems. Greywater can save you money and water.

No more worries about the need to increase or replace stressed septic systems. No more burnt landscaping because of drought-inspired water restrictions. Greywater is simple-to-use and provides ample water to keep the garden thriving and the maintenance man away.

Greywater Systems: How They Work

Simple – the greywater system is easily installed by a licensed plumber or contractor. The small, inoffensive unit resembles a recycling container and recycles the water from your washing machine, bath and shower for outdoor irrigation use. The unit serves as a filtration system and does not store any water, so its capacity is unlimited.

Greywater Diversion Device How it Works

Greywater Systems: Saving You Money

Every time you do a load of laundry, you’re also irrigating your garden. Plus, you cut the amount of water being deposited into septic systems. Greywater will reduce the amount by half during the spring and summer months.

Save Money with Greywater Systems Icon

A family of four can reduce their water consumption by up to 40,000 gallons annually while protecting their septic systems. Greywater is used by many families to complement their septic systems. With greywater, you have the benefits of a larger septic without the cost. Our Aqua2use greywater systems cost hundreds, even thousands, less than competing greywater systems on the market.

Greywater Systems: Minimal Maintenance

Our Aqua2use Greywater systems require minimal maintenance. Greywater Aqua2use filters need to be cleaned every six months – a short, simple task. Other greywater systems require maintenance every two months. The Aqua2use system is able to capture a large amount of impurities without becoming clogged. And the system comes with a 12-month warranty on all parts.

Greywater Systems: Safe for Plants

Greywater is defined as water from showers, baths and washing machines. The Aqua2use system filters out lint and debris. Soap levels are retained in the greywater as they add nutrients to the soil. All that is needed to safely reuse the recycled greywater from your washing machine is to switch to a detergent with low or no phosphorus. However, greywater is not recommended to be used in a vegetable garden. Black water, which originates from kitchen sinks, dishwashers and toilets, is never used with the Aqua2use system.

Greywater Filtration Systems: Easy to Install

A licensed plumber or contractor can easily do the job for you, saving you time, effort and possibly multiple trips to the hardware store.