Greywater Systems in Residential Homes
Does reading your monthly water bill make you cringe? Do hot, dry summers make you use more water than you’d like for watering your flower beds and gardens? If so, greywater systems for residential use from Water Wise Group can provide an effective irrigation system by turning the water into reusable water, saving you up to 40,000 gallons of water per year and easing the burden on your septic system in the process.

Greywater – Is it safe? Yes!
Millions of greywater systems have been installed around the world. Greywater is safe for you and your garden with a few simple rules. Although recycled greywater is certainly not fit to drink for people or pets and should not be applied directly on vegetable gardens, it is completely safe for use in irrigation. No harmful chemicals are involved in the filtration process. In fact, greywater can actually aid in the reclamation of nutrients in topsoil.
Aqua2use greywater systems for households use wastewater from your washing machine, shower and bath. The soapy residue in the draining water makes the water appear grey, but once filtered through our system it appears clear, just like regular drinking water. Although the water appears safe to drink, it isn’t. Aqua2use greywater systems in residential homes produce filtered water that still contains a small amount of soap.

Although drinking the still-soapy filtered water could cause illness in humans and pets, it’s great for plants. Aqua2use greywater systems in residential homes are designed to provide the enthusiastic home gardener with a means to provide extra nutrients to the garden through the use of a drip irrigation hose hooked up directly to the system.
Because the filtered water isn’t suitable for drinking, gardeners shouldn’t irrigate vegetable gardens with filtered water from greywater systems for residential homes.
If holding tanks are used, don’t store unused greywater for longer than 24 hours and remember to keep filters on tanks free of lint. Tanks must be cleaned out regularly to remove sludge build-up. You also won’t have to worry about safety matters. greywater systems because they don’t filter toilet, dishwasher or sink water don’t contain harmful bacteria.
Count on Water Wise Group to deliver the best greywater systems solutions and services to the home gardener and conservationist.
Greywater Systems Offer Easy Installation & Maintenance
Your greywater system comes easy to install. Its compact size makes it suitable for placement in a crawlspace, and it can even be partially buried if necessary. A licensed plumber or contractor can complete the task for you in little time, saving you the effort it would take to do the job yourself. Being fully-automated, Aqua2use greywater systems are easy for professionals to connect and maintain, with built-in pump protection that prevents problems common to other greywater systems. Our greywater systems also offer overflow protection as well as three-dimensional filter webs that stop harmful waste particles, including lint and debris, from winding up in the lawn or garden.
Don’t worry about maintaining another expensive piece of lawn equipment. The Aqua2use greywater system is easy to maintain: simply clean the filter once every four to six months, and you’re on your way. The Aqua2use greywater system is a state-of-the-art, four-stage filtration unit that traps most impurities without getting clogged up. And when compared to other greywater systems on the market, it’s not only the most reliable solution, it’s the most cost-effective. Although installing Aqua2use greywater systems in residential homes is a fairly simple process, many homeowners opt to hire a professional installer for best results. Of course, make sure your installer understands that only wastewater from the clothes washer, bathtub and shower should be used for safety precautions. Then, simply hook up a drip irrigation hose from the unit – they’re small and unobtrusive – and snake the hose under the mulch near your plants. Water will drip slowly through the hose, feeding the plant with filtered, nutritious water from your home.
Greywater Systems Take Up Little Space
Because of the filtration unit’s compact size, it can be installed in out-of-the way places, and it can be partially buried if necessary. But even though the units measure only 24″L x 15″W x 20″H, it doesn’t’ mean it can’t do the job. Keep in mind that the unit doesn’t actually store water but simply filters it, so no bulky, space consuming tank is required.